May 26, 2005

Rock Star Suzie the night she got her dream toy Posted by Hello


D-Vaz said...

Does she know Crazy Train? Ba-dant . . . . . ba-dant . ba-dant . ba-dant (those are guitar noises incase you were wondering)

B said...

got that, thanks. She knows 3 chords. That should cover most of the 70's, 80's, and 90's rock, no?

Anonymous said...

How is it that the two of you are always about 2hrs apart from remarks. Am I really very sleepy or ........-jenn

D-Vaz said...

Don't ask me why we so great. Right Beth? Greatness travels in packs.

B said...

yeah! What he said!! It's not that we're posting a few hours apart, it's that we post at the same time in our respective time zones. So really, we're posting 8 hours apart, but you can't tell.