January 08, 2008

Return of the Jedi

I’m back people. Did you miss me??

My trip to New York and Long Island was fantastic. I got to see all the family, all the friends, and a whole lot of my hotel room, which I rather enjoyed. Plus I shopped. All around, a great vacation for me. No sights, no shows, no museums... just hanging out with friends and watching bad afternoon TV. It was exactly what I needed. So anyone who wants to write in and yell at me for not doing/seeing/going to whatever the hell you did while you were in New York ‘doing it right’, can just screw off. This was my vacation, not yours. Finally.

I sound hostile, don’t I?

Might have something to do with the fact that I wrenched the holy hell out of my back dragging my suitcase up the stairs when I arrived home. Some would say that was the Universe telling me to work on Asking For Help as my new year’s resolution. Eh, I only know that I managed to get my suitcase unpacked in record setting time for me. That might be my new resolution: get it done. There are worse mantras, I suppose.

That being said, I must get back to work. I will do my best to upload all the photos tonight, for your viewing pleasure. Stories to follow soon after.


Anonymous said...

Your vacation, 100%. Check.

Good hotel, then? (Tell me about it on the appropriate post on my blog).

You mean, you didn't see everything that everyone sees when they go to New York? I mean, you actually didn't? And you were in *New York*?

Well, good on you. Makes your NY more unique. Cities aren't the sum of their landmarks. Drives me nuts when people show me photos of things I've seen 100 xillion times.

(A xillion, by the way, is a squillion squillions).

I hope you discovered a few places, too.

D-Vaz said...

At least I hope you mooned Yankees Stadium.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear your back home safely but not all in one piece, i gather. but wasn't the 5piece set of bowls, 5 bottles of shampoo, the cart with wheels, ALL WORTH IT.
love jenn