March 03, 2008

Particularly Irish Phrases

They Never Put These in Those ‘So You’re Going to Ireland? Learn How to Speak Like a Native’ slang books**:

1 - Are you well? How you keeping? How’ya? (Hi, how are you?)
2 - Grand. Not a bother. Not a sausage. (Fine. Not great, just fine)
3 - Up for a few scoops? How about a few jars. (Pints of beer)
4 - Happy as Larry (Or it might be Lairey. Either way, pretty self-evident that one)
5 - It’s bucketing outside. It’s lashing out. It’s pissing down. (It’s raining really hard. Well, it is Ireland…)
6 - Do you want to meet for a coffee? (Let’s go for pints)
7 - I’m smashed. (I’ve got no money, not even for a pint, which in the US would get you smashed)
8 - That’ll cost you a few bob. (a little bit of money, not the contents of your savings account but probably more than you were planning on spending)
9 - Not a lot of talent out tonight. (no cute guys to choose from. See: Slim Pickins Texan/English Dictionary)
10 - Langered, trolleyed, well gone, off his head/face, pissed. (The Eskimos have multiple words for Snow, the Irish have many for drunk. Go figure.)
11 - A heavy session. (loads of drinking the night before or, interestingly enough, an evening of traditional music, which I find heavy going)
12 - Let’s just go for one. (2 drink minimum)
13 - Give em socks! (Give em hell!)
14 - Manky. (filthy and disgusting)
15 - One for the Road (2 drink minimum and usually a bad idea)

** I’d like to see someone pick up Irish from a phrase book. 3 years here and I still can’t sound out words I know.


Lifetheuniverseandeverything said...

Funny but very true...

D-Vaz said...

Thanks for the insight. Keep them coming. Can't never have too many slang terms.

Anonymous said...

Beth!!! Hey - it's Alisha Garza. Steve and I are in Indianapolis now. He is Exec Chef at Maggiano's. Life is good. Isabella is 6 and Ava is 2 1/2. My blog is boring compared to yours but it has some recent pictures if you search a few posts back.